5000 sf
temporary exhibition space
Spring Green, WI
Collaborative Project with Ryan Hewson & Emil Crystal
The Red² Temporary Art & Architecture Exhibit Space was an opportunity to unify our desire to contribute creatively to the community with the need to occupy an underused space in downtown Spring Green, Wisconsin. For four summer months, this former autoparts store was transformed into a changing exhibit honoring local architecture and the arts. The shows were roughly a month long and included: Bruce Severson (Art & Architecture) - Refuge (Taliesin shelter program) - Conjure (Art) - Marrow (Architecture)
In addition to being open to the public, the space served as a fledgling architectural studio for two recent Taliesin graduates.
before - auto parts store
photo_Michael DesBarres
photo_Michael DesBarres
Red2 Panorama_
Photo_Emil Crystal
red 2 stencil sign_mdb & rh
photo_Michael DesBarres
concept sketch
Michael DesBarres & Ryan Hewson
photo_Michael DesBarres
photo_Michael DesBarres
photo_Michael DesBarres
build out
photo_Michael DesBarres
photo_Michael DesBarres
turn the corner
photo_Michael DesBarres
hang in there
photo_Michael DesBarres
photo_Michael DesBarres
grand opening
photo_Michael Desbarres
works by Bruce Severson
photo_Michael DesBarres
opening_Bruce Severson
photo_Michael DesBarres
photo_Michael DesBarres
photo_Emil Crystal
blue ice_Bruce Severson
photo_Michael DesBarres
night a.set up for Bruce
photo_Michael DesBarres
night b.set up fro Bruce
photo_Michael DesBarres
night c. set up for Bruce
photo_Michael DesBarres
installation_Bruce Severson
photo_David Tuyls
installation_Bruce Severson
photo_David Tuyls
end of the beginning
photo_Michael DesBarres
refuge entry
photo_Michael DesBarres
refuge poster
photo_Michael DesBarres
refuge layout
Michael DesBarres & Ryan Hewson
place of refuge_Rebecca Sadler
photo_David Tuyls
place of refuge_Rebecca Sadler
photo_David Tuyls
place of refuge_Rebecca Sadler
photo_David Tuyls
place of refuge_Rebecca Sadler
photo_David Tuyls
photo_David Tuyls
refuge opening
photo_Emil Crystal
refuge opening
photo_Emil Crystal
refuge opening
photo_Emil Crystal
refuge opening
photo_Emil Crystal
model_Dakota Apostalou
photo_Emil Crystal
taliesin rezoning
photo_Emil Crystal
model_Dakotah Apostalou
photo_Michael DesBarres
goodnight refuge
photo_Michael DesBarres
refuge book panels_Aris Georges
photo_Michael DesBarres
refuge model_Dakotah Apostalou
photo_Michael DesBarres
photo_Michael DesBarres
refuge model_Dakotah Apostalou
photo_Michael DesBarres
taliesin west_red2 collaboration
photo_Michael DesBarres
refuge from refuge
photo_Michael DesBarres
studio conjure
photo_Michael DesBarres
conjure entry
photo_Michael DesBarres
conjure evening
photo_Michael DesBarres
hay bale (re)install
image_Michael DesBarres
photo_Michael DesBarres